
Thank you, we appreciate your business!

Please refer our solutions to your colleagues, friends, and family.


To show our appreciation for your referrals, existing clients who refer new clients who complete a project will receive a discount on future kayjayone services.


Online payments are accepted using Intuit Payments via direct bank transfer or credit card.  Payments are also accepted with PayPal.


Submit a request for any support needs.

Support for functionality implemented with all kayjayone projects is included for the first 6 months.  After the first 6 months there are two options for support, Annual Unlimited or Pay As You Go. They break down as follows:

Annual Unlimited – $ depends on website complexity
Pay As You Go – $50 per hour (1 hour minimum per request)

Support includes the following; it does not include new features or functionality.

Support Annual Unlimited Pay As You Go
Questions about functionality Upon request Upon request
Addressing issues Upon request Upon request
Content updates Upon request Upon request
WordPress upgrades Automatic Upon request
Coding updates Automatic Upon request
Periodic SEO review Automatic Upon request
Database backups Automatic Upon request
Uptime monitoring Automatic Not available
Pay As You Go support will be assumed unless the Annual Unlimited plan is specifically requested.

Submit a request for any support needs.